Fwdays IT Summit

The conference is dedicated to marketing, sales, and the growth of product and outsourcing IT companies.
Fwdays IT Summit

Fwdays IT Summit is a conference dedicated to marketing, sales, and the growth of product and outsourcing IT companies.

The event is aimed for marketers, sales managers, business developers, executives, company and startup owners, analysts, product managers, and everyone interested in growing their company.

Part of the profit will be donated to humanitarian funds or trusted volunteers 💙💛.

Join our Telegram channel, to find out more news.

  • Sales

    The art of sales, client interaction, and strategies that help businesses grow.

  • Marketing

    Finding your audience, building strong brands, and using modern tools to achieve results.

  • Management

    Building teams, effective communication, and implementing changes in a dynamic environment.

  • C-Level

    Leadership, strategic thinking, and decision-making that shape the future of a company.

Want to be a speaker?

We are looking for speakers. If you have practical experience in the topics listed above or wish to share your expertise in other areas related to the conference theme, please fill out the form by March 24 inclusive.

We have prepared recommendations for applying to the Fwdays conference, so that you can submit your talk as best you can.

Call for papers


Talks may be reordered. The final program to be released by April 21

Pushy Sales Don’t Work: How to Sell Without Driving People Crazy [ukr]
Aliona Katsemba Lead Marketing Specialist at EPAM, Public Speaking and Communication Trainer
B2B Sales & Product Workshop [ukr]
Ilya Lukach Head of B2B & Partnerships @ Headway, B2B GTM Expert
Rebranding for Growth [ukr]
Anna Velykoivanenko Brand & GTM strategy, corporate communications, employer brand at DataArt
Scaling Smart: GTM Strategies that Fuel Growth for Service IT Companies [ukr]
Victor Shulga Founder at B2B Global - GTM systems for service IT

Event price

Online Ticket

Online access to talks of the conference during the stream on April 26 (Online + Offline Tracks)

Access to all talks recordings after the event

Presentations of talks

Q&A with speakers after talks

Chat with speakers and participants

Certificate of the Fwdays IT Summit participation

Part of the profit will be donated to humanitarian funds or trusted volunteers

2 200 UAH ≈€50
20 tickets
till 14 March — 2700 UAH≈€61
till 4 April — 3200 UAH≈€72
till 14 April — 3700 UAH≈€83
Buy ticket
Full Ticket

All options from ONLINE TICKET

Offline participation in the event on April 26 (in Kyiv) (Offline Track)

Delicious lunch and coffee breaks

Live networking with speakers and participants

Part of the profit will be donated to humanitarian funds or trusted volunteers

3 400 UAH ≈€77
50 tickets
next 100 — 3900 UAH≈€88
next 100 — 4500 UAH≈€101
next 100 — 5200 UAH≈€117
Buy ticket
−10% for participants of previous conferences 
It will be added automatically to account where you made a purchase previously
−30% for students of full-time education 
Send us a photo or a scanned copy of your Student's ID to orgs@fwdays.com and we will send a promo code to you
Discounts for military officers, 100% for online participation, 50% for in-person participation 
To receive a promo code for a discount, fill out the form

Diversity tickets

We want to make Fwdays conferences available for everybody!

Diversity ticket is an opportunity to attend the conference for those who are less represented in the IT community and those who need financial help.

10 participants will take part in the conference absolutely for FREE 🙌

Please fill in the form below to apply, till March 23. There will be 5 people who will get the Online Ticket and 5 people who will get the Full Ticket, after thorough checks from Fwdays.

Diversity tickets
Gold Partners
Want to become a sponsor?
Mail us to partners@fwdays.com and we will discuss our cooperation. Or fill out this form and we will contact you.

Sharing real feedback from past fwdays conferences (with permission from participants) 👇


About talks from speakers
"Good talk with interesting use-cases. I was glad to hear it in Ukrainian language. Architecture was considered from different points of view. Thanks for the info!"

"The informativeness of the talk is very high! Also, the speaker explained and showed everything in great detail. I would like to see her again at the next conf."

"Raises difficult questions about important things. At the very least, it forces you to think about your own approaches, at the most, to implement changes in them."

"This presentation was really helpful and practical. It gives food for thought and ushers to double check how you are working with cloud resources and what can be improved."

About conferences in general
"Very cool conference! It expands the horizons and gives an incentive to develop and show the directions of this development. Blitz interviews were also quite interesting to see how things are organized in large teams/companies."

"Thank you! I did not expect that it would be interesting all the time from the beginning to the end, that I would not even get tired."

"Organization at a very high level, everything without delays, no technical problems, there was an opportunity to communicate with all speakers."

"Clarity of organization of the entire event. Huge thanks to the organizers!"


What will online be like?

Live broadcast with two parallel tracks. Online Ticket holders will be able to choose which talk to join.

Where will the online broadcast take place?

On the conference website. You just need only to log in to the website under the email, that you used while buying the ticket.

What will offline be like?

Offline will be held in Kyiv. There will be one watching room where the speakers will perform live. The online track will also be available to Full Ticket holders, but it will be possible to view it on the day of the conference only on your own laptop/phone in the lobby.

Participants can enjoy live networking with speakers and participants, lunch and coffee breaks.

Which speakers will give a talk online and which will be offline?

In the "speakers" section, there will be speakers who will speak offline in Kyiv. In the section "online speakers" there are those who will speak remotely.

Safety measures during an air alert at the offline location?

The location has underground parking. During an air raid alert, participants together with the organizers will descend into the shelter. The offline part of the conference will be suspended until all clear.

Will the talks be recorded?

Yes, recordings will be available almost immediately on the website, after the conference.

Where to write questions to the organizers?

Contact us via email orgs@fwdays.com.

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