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Turbo Charging Entity Framework Core 8: Performance [eng]

Software performance engineering (SPE) aims to build predictable performance into systems by specifying and analyzing quantitative behavior from the beginning of a system to its deployment and evolution. We should also apply this thinking to the data portions of our applications and systems. Performing data operations with Entity Framework Core 8 can seem simple, but there is a hidden part of this framework that can allow developers to unlock the performance users expect. We will lean into this, explore those EF Core features, and leave the talk as better developers.

Chris Woodruff

(Architect at Real Time Technologies),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
What I learned through reverse engineering [ukr]

In recent years, I have gained most of my knowledge through reverse engineering, how I did it and what I learned during this period, I decided to share. All this concerns graphic programming, performance, best practices in the frontend.

Yuri Artiukh

(CEO @ Coderiver),
JavaScript fwdays’24 conference
Getting to the glass — approaches to rendering views on the web [eng]

In this talk, we’ll explore a number of popular techniques for populating and delivering content into web views for our users. We’ll compare different rendering models to help us understand the benefits and limitations of each one, and we’ll build examples with different tools to show how our choices influence the developer experience, user experience, and environmental impact of our projects.

Phil Hawksworth

(Principal Developer Experience Engineer, Netlify),
JavaScript fwdays’24 conference
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