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Why have we learned how to package products, but not how to 'package ourselves' as a brand in a job interview? [ukr]

Create your personal pitch correctly (sales points, structure); understand, depending on the type of company, what managers want to hear about you at the interview; be able to package irrelevant or no experience; understand your strengths; create an example of a personal pitch

Viktoria Nalyvaiko

Soft Skills fwdays'24 conference
I am an interviewer! Or how to conduct an interview so offended candidates don't threaten to break your nose [ukr]

Conducting interviews is not an easy task. After all, you need to be able not only to ask questions from the list of "100 boring questions for interviews", but also to listen to the answers, to be able to determine the weak and strong points of the candidate, to be a pleasant (at least a little) interviewee, to write good feedback and much more. Why? And for what? And this is what we will talk about with you and try to understand how to conduct interviews so after that candidates won't find your location via IP.

Serhii Babich

(Senior Frontend Developer, DataRobot),
Soft Skills fwdays'24 conference
Interview with the Vampire [ukr]

Let's talk about the purpose of technical interviews, try to consider different types of interviews and determine what benefit or harm they bring, pay attention to the most common mistakes of both candidates and interviewers, and make a cheeky attempt to derive the formula for an ideal interview.

Serhii Babich

(Senior Frontend Developer, DataRobot),
React+TS fwdays’23 conference
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