Highload fwdays'24 conference

The conference is dedicated to the development of high-load systems
Event is over
Highload fwdays'24  conference
Highload fwdays'24 conference
Event is over
Event is over
Event is over

Buy tickets for the next conference Software Architecture fwdays'24 conference!

Highload fwdays'24 — conference devoted to hands-on experience in development of high loaded project, scaling, architecture, databases, DevOps and more.

The event will take place on June 15 in-person (in Kyiv) and online formats.

Part of the profit will be donated to humanitarian funds or trusted volunteers 💙💛.

Stay tuned, in Telegram chat of the conference

Hello! To watch the broadcast of the conference you need to authorize on the site. If you have Online Ticket або Full Ticket, the players are already available below 👇

Check out more details about the program of the conference in our guide on Medium and about the Offline part of the conference — in the article.


In case of an air alarm during the event, the program of the Offline Track of the conference may be changed

Offline Track (June 15)
Online Track (June 15)
Registration & welcome tea/coffee
45 min
10 min
Choosing proper type of scaling
Olena Syrota
Star/SET University
30 min
Black Monday: The Story of 5.5 Hours of Downtime
Dmytro Dziubenko
NATO Hackathon Winner: AI-Powered Drug Search
Taras Klioba
10 min
Lunch break
60 min
15 min
Panel discussion
In case of the air alert, it will happen in the shelter
Scaling RAG Applications to serve millions of users
Kevin Goedecke
10 min

Raising for drone repair

To repair drones and MAVKA antennas for the "Angry Beavers" unit of the 46th separate airmobile brigade

🎯 Goal: 150 000.00 ₴
🔗 Donate to the monobank card
💳 Card number: 5375 4112 1757 3794

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Mail us to partners@fwdays.com and we will discuss our cooperation. Or fill out this form and we will contact you.
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Mail us to partners@fwdays.com and we will discuss our cooperation

Check videos of talks from the previous Highload fwdays’20 online conference:

Sharing real feedback from past fwdays conferences (with permission from participants) 👇


About talks from speakers
"Good talk with interesting use-cases. I was glad to hear it in Ukrainian language. Architecture was considered from different points of view. Thanks for the info!"

"The informativeness of the talk is very high! Also, the speaker explained and showed everything in great detail. I would like to see her again at the next conf."

"Raises difficult questions about important things. At the very least, it forces you to think about your own approaches, at the most, to implement changes in them."

"This presentation was really helpful and practical. It gives food for thought and ushers to double check how you are working with cloud resources and what can be improved."

About conferences in general
"Very cool conference! It expands the horizons and gives an incentive to develop and show the directions of this development. Blitz interviews were also quite interesting to see how things are organized in large teams/companies."

"Thank you! I did not expect that it would be interesting all the time from the beginning to the end, that I would not even get tired."

"Organization at a very high level, everything without delays, no technical problems, there was an opportunity to communicate with all speakers."

"Clarity of organization of the entire event. Huge thanks to the organizers!"


What will online be like?

Live broadcast with two parallel tracks. Online Ticket holders will be able to choose which talk to join.

Where will the online broadcast take place?

On the conference website. You just need only to log in to the website under the email, that you used while buying the ticket.

What will offline be like?

Offline will be held in Kyiv. There will be one watching room where the speakers will perform live. The online track will also be available to Full Ticket holders, but it will be possible to view it on the day of the conference only on your own laptop/phone in the lobby.

Participants can enjoy live networking with speakers and participants, lunch and coffee breaks.

Which speakers will give a talk online and which will be offline?

In the "speakers" section, there will be speakers who will speak offline in Kyiv. In the section "online speakers" there are those who will speak remotely.

Safety measures during an air raid alert at the offline location?

The location has underground parking. During an air raid alert, participants together with the organizers will descend into the shelter. The offline part of the conference will be suspended until all clear.

Will the talks be recorded?

Yes, recordings will be available almost immediately on the website, after the conference.

Where to write questions to the organizers?

We use Telegram chat for news, communication and questions. Or you can write to us via email orgs@fwdays.com

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