Panel discussion [ukr, offline]
During the panel discussion, experts will discuss the following issues:
- What is the Highload system?
- Are all Highload systems similar and do they have the same problems?
- Which system of those that the experts worked on was the closest to the definition of Highload? What were the main challenges there?
- How is the technical stack planning for a Highload system different from a regular system?
- Is there a no-go list of things in the tech stack that can't be taken, or conversely, is there a list of must-have things?
- Is there a place for relational databases in Highload systems?
Don't miss the opportunity to participate in a discussion with experienced experts and expand your knowledge and understanding of high-load systems development.
Moderator — Oleksandr Mahomet (co-founder @Fwdays)
*In case of the air alert, the panel discussion will be held in the shelter.

Olena Syrota
Software architect at Star, lecturer at SET University
- 20+ years of experience in IT
- Worked at different positions from dev architect
- Tech stack: Java, Spring, cloud, IoT
- Certified as SEI Software Architecture Professional
- Certified as Stanford Advanced Project Manager

Max Baginskiy
Head of Engineering, Solidgate
- Head of Engineering at В2В SaaS company Solidgate
- Has 6+ years of Go development experience
- A fan of State of DevOps, where DevOps is a methodology, not a position
- Didn't stop coding and building architecture even after transitioning to management

Pavlo Mashlyakovskyi
Software architect, InBase
- Software architect at the InBase product company
- Architect of the UnityBase platform (about a dozen products, 1000+ corporate implementations)
- 30+ years in product development
- He likes fast code since school computer science competitions
- Supporter of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle when building solutions
- #12 in the 22nd round of TechEmpower benchmark (mORMot framework), currently #7
- GitHub

Oleksandr Makhomet
Co-founder @Fwdays
- Adviser at the company (formerly as a PHP Product Architect
- Has over 10 years in PHP and WEB development
- Fwdays co-founder
- Ergo Place co-founder
- Facebook, Twitter

Dmytro Dziubenko
Corefy, CTO
- He's been involved in payments for the last 10 years, including 8 as a co-founder and CTO at Corefy
- He is a proponent of automation and optimization. Loves deleting code and migrating data from database to database.
- He is also a proud father of a beautiful daughter and a soldier in the Armed Forces of Ukraine