Reaching 3_000_000 HTTP requests per second — conclusions from participation in the TechEmpower benchmark [ukr]
Talk presentation
In this talk, we will get acquainted with TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks, consider generalized (programming language-independent) approaches to optimizing a web application and its environment to achieve extreme loads, and most importantly, how some of these things can be applied in practice in your projects.

Pavlo Mashlyakovskyi
Software architect, InBase
- Software architect at the InBase product company
- Architect of the UnityBase platform (about a dozen products, 1000+ corporate implementations)
- 30+ years in product development
- He likes fast code since school computer science competitions
- Supporter of the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) principle when building solutions
- #12 in the 22nd round of TechEmpower benchmark (mORMot framework), currently #7
- GitHub