4 horsemen of the apocalypse of working relationships (+ antidotes to them) [ukr]
Talk presentation
This talk will reveal four destructive communication patterns that can undermine team spirit, reduce productivity and cause conflict, and offer effective strategies for neutralizing them.
Let's start with exciting storytelling about a fictional team of developers working on Scrum. You will learn about situations that their team member noticed during team meetings.
Next, we will analyze "The Gottman Four Horsemen" model, which describes the four "horsemen of the apocalypse" of work relationships: criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and stonewalling. For each of these patterns, specific "antidotes" will be offered that allow you to build healthier and more productive relationships in the team.
Finally, we'll look at why this topic is critical to team productivity, drawing on Google's "Project Aristotle" research. Special attention will be paid to the concept of psychological safety, which is a key factor in the success of high-performance teams.
This talk will not only provide valuable insights and tools for improving communication and management in Tech teams, but will also help each member better understand their own contribution to the overall success of the team.

- Founder at Simplesense., Agile & Org Coach at mono, and co-organizer of the #AgileWithUkraine volunteer initiative
- One of the most experienced Agile & Scrum practitioners and trainers in Ukraine. Experience with Agile since 2010, with OKR since 2015
- He is constantly studying and has various international certifications
- Assists many companies as an Agile Coach and organizational consultant, working at various levels (including C-level) using the positions of trainer, coach, facilitator and mentor to help clients achieve their goals in a better way
- About Artem say that he knows how to explain complex and intricate things simple and clear words and to energize people, which is why he also created the Simplicity Days conference series
- Guest lecturer at KMBS
- Loves to learn and share experience
- Experiments in the stand-up comedy genre
- Site, LinkedIn, Bykovets Agile (Simplesense.)