Dmytro Ovcharenko
(MIT Chief Technology Officer Program @ SoftServe),
Yozhef Hisem
(Staff Software Engineer @ MacPaw),
Olena Syrota
(Software architect at Star, lecturer at SET University),Max Baginskiy
(Head of Engineering, Solidgate),Pavlo Mashlyakovskyi
(Software architect, InBase),Oleksandr Makhomet
(Co-founder @Fwdays),Dmytro Dziubenko
(Corefy, CTO),I have heard many times that architecture is not important for the front-end. Also, many times I have seen how developers implement features on the front-end just following the standard rules for a framework and think that this is enough to successfully launch the project, and then the project fails. How to prevent this and what approach to choose? I have launched dozens of complex projects and during the talk we will analyze which approaches have worked for me and which have not.
Viktor Turskyi