Impact of front-end architecture on development cost [ukr]
Talk presentation
I have heard many times that architecture is not important for the front-end. Also, many times I have seen how developers implement features on the front-end just following the standard rules for a framework and think that this is enough to successfully launch the project, and then the project fails. How to prevent this and what approach to choose? I have launched dozens of complex projects and during the talk we will analyze which approaches have worked for me and which have not.

Viktor Turskyi
Google, WebbyLab
- Senior Software Engineer at Google, Non-Executive Director at WebbyLab
- 20+ years of experience in ІТ
- Successfully delivered more than 60 projects (including projects for 5 companies from Fortune 500 list)
- Strong back-end and front-end development background
- Has experience with open source projects and large codebases
- LinkedIn, GitHub