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How to start refactoring someone else's code and not to quit a job in a month [ukr]

Talk presentation

A short story about the horrors we had to face while working on someone else's code, how we managed to master ourselves and start simultaneously adding new features and slowly modernizing the old ones. About how to understand a week in four pages and why legacy is not always bad, but on the contrary — a great opportunity to pump yourself up.

Serhii Babich
Senior Frontend Developer, DataRobot
  • Serhii Babich a man of extraordinary abilities and with absolutely no modesty. Speaker, blogger, YouTuber. Take away his billions and what will be left? That's right, the same Babich, because he didn't have any billions!
  • Fourteenth year in web development, sixth year in speaking. Someone knows him, someone will hear about him for the first time, someone still curses the day when they agreed to stay with him for a beer after the afterparty
  • Worked both with ReactJS, AngularJS and Angular, as well as with little-known libraries which names he no longer remembers. Partly because of memory problems. From all of this, he only likes HTML and CSS
  • He has his own Telegram channel, actively posts on LinkedIn, shoots videos for YouTube. Writes about life. Swears everywhere
  • Lead his YouTube channel "Сергій Бабіч та Дивовижний світ веброзробки"
  • Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Skillreveal
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