Discussion on GraphQL
- Kateryna Porshnieva (Veriff)
- Andrii Chyzh (Wix Engineering)
- Oleksandr Tarasenko (EVO Fintech / EVO company)
- Polina Gurtovaya (Evil Martians)

Andrii Chyzh
Wix Engineering
- Has 12 years of experience in development
- Currently works at Wix Engineering in Team Lead / Software Engineer position
- Uses GraphQL API in production projects for the last 3 years

Polina Gurtovaya
Evil Martians
- Before she became a frontend developer her professional areas were lasers and telecommunication
- She believes that any valuable experience and knowledge should be shared with the community
- Prefers to share her own experience via blog posts and conference talks
- She loves to disassemble everything into cogs and then try to reassemble it again
- Thinks that the learning curve for a front-end developer looks like a spiral
- She tries to follow new technologies, experiments, but not succumb to the hype. Loves Rust, interested in ML, constantly trying to develop a sense of beauty. She has a list of favorite technologies and topics(and she can talk about them for hours :) WebAssembly, WebRTC, GraphQL, and image internals

Oleksandr Tarasenko
RozetkaPay, CTO
- Has 15 years of experience in web development
- For the last five years has been building and managing a large scalable fintech project focused on Ukrainian e-commerce leaders
- He has been mentoring young talents in Ukrainian IT for many years
- Volunteering, helps launch projects that bring Ukraine closer to victory in the war with russia

Kateryna Porshnieva
Engineering Manager
- Front-End Engineer & Engineering manager from Ukraine, now living in Estonia
- Passionate about accessible web, design systems and testing
- Active in technical community, founded React Kyiv, now co-organiser of TallinnJS
- Organises board game nights, loves reading fiction and is a bit of a coffee snob