Debugging python applications inside k8s environment [eng]
Talk presentation
In an ideal world, you would write Python code and then it would work perfectly. But unfortunately, it doesn't work in this manner. In my talk, I'll cover how to efficiently debug your programs, especially in cloud environments or inside Kubernetes.

Andrii Soldatenko
Dynatrace, Senior Software Engineer
- Python developer in the day, Go developer (gopher) under the hood. Big fan of full-text search and graph databases
- Speaker at KCD Austria 2023, FOSDEM 2020 and 2023 (Go and Rust dev rooms), GoDays 2020, PyCaribbean, PyCon Israel, PyCon Italia 2017 and 2022, EuroPython 2016 and 2022, PyCon Ukraine 2014, OdessaPy and lot’s of local meetups.
- Contributed in different python/go open source projects: pyhelm, aiohttp-swagger, mezzanine; chalice, requests, aiohttp tutorial; sendgrid-python and sendgrid-django; OpenAPI v3 specification, fix Go docs
- Blogger, Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub