Q&A session with Neal Ford [eng]
We invite you to an exciting Q&A session with Neal Ford, a global IT consultancy with a focus on end-to-end software development and delivery, Director and Software Architect at ThoughtWorks. You will have the opportunity to ask Neal your questions, hear his thoughts and views on various aspects of development, architecture and practices.
This session will be useful for beginners who are just starting their journey in software architecture development, as well as for experienced developers who want to expand their knowledge and get guidance from a recognized expert. You will be able to immerse yourself in topics that interest you, discuss current trends, challenges and prospects.
Leave your questions for Neal and you will hear the answers during the Q&A session on September 19.
Moderator — Oleksii Petrov (Solution architect at Jain Irrigation Inc.)

- Neal Ford is Director, Software Architect, and Meme Wrangler at ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy with a focus on end-to-end software development and delivery.
- He is also the designer and developer of applications, articles, video/DVD presentations, and author and/or editor of an increasingly large number of books spanning a variety of subjects and technologies, including the most recent Presentation Patterns.
- His professional focus includes designing and building of large-scale enterprise applications.
- He is also an internationally acclaimed speaker, speaking at over 300 developer conferences worldwide, delivering more than 2000 presentations.
- Twitter, web-site

- Solution architect at Husqvarna Group
- AWS Certified Solution Architect
- Docker/Kubernetes apologist
- MongoDB Certified Developer
- Active PHP Community Member