Workshop: Phalcon 3 for beginners

Workshop for PHP developers by Andres Gutierrez.
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Workshop: Phalcon 3 for beginners
Workshop: Phalcon 3 for beginners
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Phalcon 3 for beginners

Workshop for PHP developers by Andres Gutierrez.

Speaker Andres Gutierrez (Phalcon) is:

  • Creator and software architect behind Phalcon & Zephir Language.
  • Core developer of the Phalcon Team.
  • PHP and C/C++ developer for over 11 years.
  • Phalcon representative in the PHP-FIG.
  • I mostly dedicate my time to open-source projects and work as consultant in web and backend development. I like cats and listen to music on vinyls.
  • GitHub, Twitter


A quick hands-on video introduction to web development using Phalcon.

Skill Level


What You Will Learn

  • Ability to Create single-module applications using Phalcon
  • Understanding of the Phalcon Framework philosophy
  • Ability to connect and interact with databases
  • Ability to create forms and validations
  • Ability to build prototypes using Phalcon Development Tools
  • Automatically test the application using unit and integration tests
  • Best practices using Phalcon Framework

Место проведения:

г. Киев, БЦ «Инком», ул. Смоленская, 31-33 (М Шулявская)


4 сентября, 2016 года, 10:00 - 14:00


1/2 дня

Стоимость участия: 1 500 грн. (~$60)

Формат: Training




PHP разработчики



Місце проведення

Київ, БЦ Инком