Building data intensive stateful services with Orleans

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Many applications today are data-intensive, as opposed to compute-intensive. Raw CPU power is rarely a limiting factor for these applications — bigger problems are usually the amount of data, the complexity of data, and the speed at which it is changing. A data-intensive application is typically built from standard building blocks which provide commonly needed functionality: database, cache, message queue, etc. But to build an efficient system with such blocks is not so simple.
On this talk, we will see how Orleans framework can help in building data-intensive services.

Orleans is the next most popular open source project of the .NET Foundation after CoreCLR/CoreFX/Roslyn.
It was created by Microsoft Research and is now developed by Microsoft Studios. Orleans has already redefined how modern, scalable interactive cloud services and distributed systems should be built by introducing the Virtual Actor model.

I will provide an introduction to the Actor Model, Orleans basics, patterns, then move onto building a simple demonstration application around an ‘internet of things’ scenario.

Антон Молдован
DraftKings & NBomber LLC
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