Building a system using messages and functions
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You've probably heard about or seen/tried F# - the .Net functional-first language.
There are a lot of resources on the web on how to use it and how using it makes developers more productive.
However, there is still a lot of confusion about it:
Is it only for "mathematics" stuff?
Do you need to be an expert in category theory/monads/etc. to use it?
This talk will not focus on theory much.
Instead, we will take a look at the real case study of building a client-server system using functional approach.
We will see how using F#, message-passing, lock-free concurrency (via actors) and other techniques bring simplicity in building complex server applications.
We will also explore how we could re-use same functional techniques and skills when building client applications with tools like react.js, react-DOM, react-native and redux.

- Senior Software Engineer
- Понад 10 років досвіду розробки програмного забезпечення
- Основні інтереси: software design, продуктивність у розробці, зменшення випадкової складності