Реєстрація на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже відкрита!

Let the main thread breathe!

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The main thread, on the web, has a lot of responsibilities. At the same time, web apps are getting more sophisticated every day. Therefore, the main thread gets too busy that will disappoint our user by showing janky frames! The off-main-thread architecture ensures apps run smoothly on every device for everyone.

In this talk, we will go through the possibilities in browsers such as WebWorker, Worklet, and WebAssembly by introducing practical tools that allow us to boost our user experiences.

Majid Hajian
  • A passionate software developer with years of developing and architecting complex web and mobile applications
  • He is passionate about web platform especially flutter, IoT, PWAs, and performance
  • He loves sharing his knowledge with the community by writing and speaking, contributing to open source and organizing meetups and events
  • The author of "Progressive web app with Angular" book by Apress and "Progressive Web Apps" video course by PacktPub and Udemy
  • Co-organizer of a few mobile and web meetups in Norway as well as Nordic conferences for mobile and Angular, Mobile Era and ngVikings
  • Twitter, Github
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