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Подія відбулась

Реєстрація на наступну конференцію Конференція Highload fwdays'25 вже відкрита!


Відео доповіді

Презентація доповіді

We at Preply do our best to ensure that our website loads quicky as it has huge impact on business. In my talk I will explain:

  • why pageload metric is important from business standpoint and how to measure its impact.
  • how we evolved with our speed optimization technics starting from very basic ones(caching, orm optimizations) to more advanced(replicas, load-balancing) and the level where we are now(CDN optmization, microservices etc.)
  • I will talk about both front-end and backend optimization with focus on the stack we use: AWS, Django/Python, Postgres, Docker.
Дмитро Волошин
  • Co-founder&CTO at Preply.com
  • Entrepreneur, scientist(h-index>0)
  • Thinker
  • LinkedIN
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