Full Stack Web Apps with .NET 6: From Runtime to Reality [eng]
.NET in 2022 is a remarkable ecosystem of languages, platforms, tools, and frameworks. The .NET SDK can building just about any kind of software, from interactive desktop applications to serverless functions running in the cloud, but data-driven web applications remain one of the most popular - and powerful - solutions across many different scenarios. When you start building real world applications, you can easily find yourself hitting the limits of the .NET runtime. Sure, we can use System.DateTime to do date calculations, but once you need time zone support and Entity Framework persistence, you’ll find yourself wishing for something more powerful. System.Net.Mail has always provided rudimentary support for SMTP - but it’s now deprecated on most platforms, and it was never really all that good to start with. ASP.NET Razor is a powerful templating engine, but modern web design paradigms have gone far beyond what we can do using Razor and CSS files.
In this session, Dylan Beattie will show off a few of his favourite libraries and patterns for building full stack web applications with .NET 6. We’ll see how to use NodaTime to handle dates, times and timezones; we’ll incorporate web development tools like MJML and SASS into our development pipeline, and see how to use Razor for much more than just rendering web pages.

- A software developer and technical speaker.
- He’s been building web applications since the days of Windows NT 4.
- Today he works on HTTP APIs, UX design, and distributed systems.
- Lives and works in London and when he’s not hacking code he plays guitar and writes songs.