Workshop: Building PHP applications using domain-driven design (DDD) techniques

Онлайн воркшоп для PHP розробників від Andrew Cassell
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Workshop:  Building PHP applications using domain-driven design (DDD) techniques
Workshop: Building PHP applications using domain-driven design (DDD) techniques
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Workshop: Building PHP applications using domain-driven design (DDD) techniques

The workshop is available only for participants of the PHP fwdays’20 conference who purchased a ticket till April 10. The form with registration for the workshop was sent to the email.

The workshop will be held in an online format in Zoom app. Please, install it on your device to follow the workshop. The number of participants is 30.

Workshop from Andrew Cassell is aimed at developers with Knowledge of PHP and object oriented programming. Audience and level: Intermediate and up. The workshop will be held in English.

Building PHP applications using domain-driven design (DDD) techniques results in code that is easier to modify, maintain, test, and makes for a better user experience. In this hands-on tutorial, you will become versed in the best practices for solving problems using domain-driven design in PHP from start to finish. You will learn to:

  • Discover a ubiquitous language and identify changes in the design of PHP classes, methods, and problem-solving
  • Use Event Storming build the best software for the client/user
  • Assemble an incorruptible domain model in PHP
  • Use bounded contexts and domain events to better organize code and make it more modular
  • Employ best practices for persisting and accessing entities and aggregate roots in Doctrine, Eloquent, Zend, etc
  • Use advanced PHP object-oriented techniques to simplify code and reduce state complexity
  • Plan for change by using the Hexagonal Architecture Pattern
  • Evaluate when and how to use CQRS and Event Sourcing techniques
  • Introduce DDD to a “legacy” codebase
  • Discover recommended resources for learning more about applying DDD in PHP


Knowledge of PHP and object oriented programming are the only requirements.


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