How to make requirements working for you?
In today`s agile world, software requirements become a stumbling block as a result of their contradictory nature. For product owners, unclear requirements are a tool for speculations. For developers and testers, ambiguity in requirements specifications is a common source of anger or even fierce arguments.
Have you ever thought that it might be different? Somewhere in a parallel universe there exist project teams that collaborate and use requirements, which are actually helpful, drive development and resolve conflicts instead of causing them. Of course, it doesn’t come for free, but it`s definitely worth all the efforts it may take.
We will discuss:
- Dimensions of SDLC Agility & requirements mgmt (RM)
- 2 models of RM
- RM best practices

Роман Сенив
- Возглавлял delivery unit по работе с enterprise клиентами в компании ELEKS
- В прошлом - Agile и Lean консультант в SoftServe
- Специализируется на теоретических и практических сторонах моделирования процессов разработки программного обеспечения, с упором на эмпирические процессы, включая Lean Software Development и Agile Software
- Эксперт в оценке и коучинга команд разработчиков для повышения производительности, помогает членам группы определить свои риски и области для совершенствования