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Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже у продажу!

JavaScript all the things

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JavaScript is omnipresent, it's running everything from small mobile phones to large servers in the cloud. But there's one place where JS is abundantly absent: the Internet of Things. Some small experiments are done in the hobbyist space by frameworks like Johnny-Five and JS runtimes like Espruino, but C is still the undisputed king for devices that are power- and battery-constraint. But why?! The same reasons why we love JavaScript on the web and on servers apply to smaller devices too: JS is safe, dynamic, fast to develop against, and it's asynchronous nature would be great for small network connected devices that mostly just respond to user input.

In this talk Jan Jongboom, Developer Evangelist IoT at ARM and JerryScript contributor, will go into the current state of JavaScript on embedded devices. He'll cover the developments among the industry, shows where JS is already applied, and what problems we'll need to solve to bring JavaScript to _all_ the things.

Jan Jongboom
  • Developer Evangelist IoT for ARM, and always on the lookout on how to connect the web with the real world.
  • Loves doing unexpected stuff with sensors, flying drones from the browser, and breaking phones.
  • The maintainer of the Mbed JerryScript runtime.
  • Before ARM he was a core contributor to Firefox OS, and he wrote hundreds of patches to various open source projects.
  • Twitter, GitHub
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