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Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже у продажі!

Concurrent React 18. "I might do it later"

Презентація доповіді

  • Brief overview of useful data structures.
  • Emphasize what React Fiber is and why we need it.
  • Talk about how React associates updates and hooks with particular functional components.
  • Look at the React "workLoop". Show what's happening when we update the state under the hood.
  • Find out what "React Lane" is? And which role it plays in scheduling.
  • See some practical tricks that React uses in task batching and scheduling.
  • With the knowledge we have try to understand how new concurrent features work
Mykola Yenin
  • Senior Software Engineer with more than 5 years in web development. Has experience working in big international teams for Unicorn companies, and tiny Silicon Valley startups, mainly as a front-end software engineer.
  • airSlate technical committee member as a front-end expert.
  • Does teaching and mentoring. Since the war outbreak, his friend and Mykola created an educational JS group, for people who lost their job and successfully prepared them for a confident junior level.
  • He believes if you can not explain something well it means you do not know it really well.
  • Addicted to understanding the depth of things.
  • Likes sports in all its forms.
  • Twitter, LinkedIn
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