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Building AI apps with Azure AI Studio [ukr]

Azure AI Studio provides a single platform for building intelligent applications, seamlessly integrating with Microsoft's suite of Azure AI services. The intuitive interface and robust APIs simplify the development process, enabling rapid prototyping and deployment. You will learn how to leverage generative AI capabilities, such as Azure OpenAI, to create advanced applications that can generate human-like text, images, and more.

Oleksander Krakovetskyi

(СЕО @ DevRain),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
Mastering Source Generators [ukr]

The presentation is devoted to Source Generators. Why they appeared, what problems they solved, and what opportunities they opened up for developers. In addition, we will discuss real examples of the use of Source Generators in various projects and share best practices for their implementation in everyday development.

Vladislav Antonyuk

(Software Engineer at DataArt),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
Pair Programming [ukr]

Pair programming is an effective software development methodology. The report will provide a detailed overview of the main aspects of pair programming: its definition, types, and benefits for the product, the team, and individual developers of different levels. Tools for pair programming will also be reviewed, with demonstrations of Rider and Visual Studio capabilities. Special attention will be given to implementing pair programming in teams, engaging participants and management, and organizing collaborative work. We will share the results and feedback from Creatio teams that have successfully mastered and applied this approach in practice.

Volodymyr Nikonov

(Creatio, Head of Development Platform Department),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
Securing SSO Authentication: Strategies to eliminate vulnerabilities [ukr]

We love developing applications, but sometimes we overlook critical security aspects, especially in the authentication. This oversight can lead to serious consequences. In this session, we'll explore the vulnerabilities that arise when authentication methods are weak, particularly in large-scale applications. We'll highlight the importance of Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication in modern development, and explain how SSO components interact with each other, including Identity Providers (IdP) and Service Providers (SP). We'll compare standards like SAML, OpenID, and OAuth, and demonstrate practical implementation on .NET using third-party solutions for seamless integration. Understanding SAML request/response formats and decoding tools will be the key. We'll also discuss real-world SAML configuration errors and vulnerabilities, and share best practices for securing SSO configurations, drawing on trusted sources like OWASP for guidance.

Oleh Oliushkevych

(Senior full-stack developer at Creatio),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
Hancture Mediator Architecture: The Secret Ingredient of a Successful Application [ukr]

In this talk, we'll explore various aspects of Hancture's mediator architecture, emphasizing its importance for a successful application. We'll begin by examining the current project requirements of the MapService team at Uklon, including the unique and common features of our applications and the challenges we face in developing them. After that, we'll analyze existing architectures, their components, and their compliance with the requirements. We'll delve into the key challenges associated with existing architectures and discuss ways to overcome them.

Yurii Naurynskyi

.NET fwdays'24 conference
Kiota - yet another API client code generator or something actually useful? [ukr]

I don't like many things in general, one of which is creating and maintaining a client library for an API. It's not because it's complicated but because it draws my attention away from other parts of the project where I can do more valuable and exciting stuff. During my session, I will share my experience of using Kusto for automated client code generation for an API. I successfully used Kusto in an enterprise-grade healthcare project, an e-commerce startup, and a few productivity tools that were my pet projects. I will show how we created an API and then efficiently generated client libraries for different programming languages to connect to that API.

Anton Boyko

.NET fwdays'24 conference
GraphQL: The good parts [ukr]

Sergii Lischuk

(Lead .NET Software Engineer at Leobit),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
Turbo Charging Entity Framework Core 8: Performance [eng]

Software performance engineering (SPE) aims to build predictable performance into systems by specifying and analyzing quantitative behavior from the beginning of a system to its deployment and evolution. We should also apply this thinking to the data portions of our applications and systems. Performing data operations with Entity Framework Core 8 can seem simple, but there is a hidden part of this framework that can allow developers to unlock the performance users expect. We will lean into this, explore those EF Core features, and leave the talk as better developers.

Chris Woodruff

(Architect at Real Time Technologies),
.NET fwdays'24 conference
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