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Kiota - yet another API client code generator or something actually useful? [ukr]

Talk presentation

I don't like many things in general, one of which is creating and maintaining a client library for an API. It's not because it's complicated but because it draws my attention away from other parts of the project where I can do more valuable and exciting stuff.

During my session, I will share my experience of using Kiota for automated client code generation for an API. I successfully used Kiota in an enterprise-grade healthcare project, an e-commerce startup, and a few productivity tools that were my pet projects. I will show how we created an API and then efficiently generated client libraries for different programming languages to connect to that API.

Anton Boyko
  • Founder and main speaker at Ukrainian Microsoft Azure Community.
  • 20 years in application development.
  • Builds apps based on Microsoft Azure platform since 2011.
  • Microsoft Azure technical expert.
  • Microsoft Azure MVP since 2014.
  • Microsoft Regional Director since 2020.
  • Academic Director at IT Step
  • Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MVP, RD
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