This document, according to Art. 633, 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, is a public offer to conclude an agreement for the provision of information and consulting services (hereinafter referred to as ”the Agreement” and/or “Offer”). Its terms are the same for all consumers (natural persons or legal entities), and their absolute acceptance (payment by any method in accordance with part 2 of Art. 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) is considered as acceptance of this Agreement between the Customer and the Service Provider and certifies its conclusion.
The Service Provider, offers the Сustomer, to conclude this Agreement on the following:
1. Definitions and General Provisions
1.1. In this Agreement, the following terms and definitions are used in the following meanings:
Service Provider means LLC "FWDAYS" represented by the director Mazur Lyudmyly Volodymyrivny, acting on the basis of the charter;
Customer means an individual or a legal entity that has agreed to the terms of the Offer in order to obtain services;
Event means any event held or conducted by the Service Provider, the attendance (participation) of which, or access to the recording of which is possible only upon presentation of a special document - Ticket;
Ticket (or electronic ticket) means an ordered set of data, including the data formed by the system, which contains the ticket details (price, name of the Event, etc.) that uniquely describe and confirm the right of the Customer to visit the Event; The Ticket is the Act of providing services under this agreement;
System means the computerized site system designed for issuing tickets;
Website means a website on the Internet, located at the address:, which provides information about the events.
Order means one or more tickets that were selected from the System by the Customer, and combined in a single identification number.
Services means information and consulting services that consist in participation in the Event organized by the Service Provider.
1.2. The agreement regulates the terms and procedures for providing the Services, as well as the Service Provider’s and the Customer’s rights and obligations related to this Agreement arising therefrom.
1.3. The Services are provided only under the terms of this Agreement and only after the full and absolute acceptance of its terms by the Customer (acceptance of the Offer). Using the Services of the Service Provider on the terms set forth in this Agreement serves as evidence that the Agreement has been concluded.
1.4. If the Customer does not accept the full terms of this Agreement, the Services can not be provided. The refunding of the purchased tickets can be issued only under the terms and conditions set out in this Offer.
1.5. The Service Provider has the right to make changes to this Agreement at any time, but such changes shall be published on the Website and in the public domain on the Internet.
1.6. Service Provider may terminate this Agreement at any time without notifying the Customer in case the terms of this Agreement or other rules have been infringed.
2. The subject of the Agreement (Offer)
2.1. Hereunder the Customer requests, and the Service Provider undertakes to provide information and consulting services, by participating in the Event or by viewing the recording of the Event of the Service Provider, in the manner and subject to the conditions set forth in this Agreement and the rules of the Service Provider.
2.2. The Services provided by the Service Provider are considered as provided in a due manner and received by the Customer in full from the moment the ticket has been sent by Service Provider to the email address of the Customer.
2.3. By agreeing to the terms of this Agreement, the Customer confirms that they are closely acquainted with the clauses of the Agreement and the information released on the website.
2.4. By agreeing to the terms of the Agreement, the Customer confirms its legal capacity, including being of legal age (18 years old), legal ownership of a payment card, and agrees to take responsibility for the obligations imposed on them as a result of the conclusion of the Agreement.
2.5. In accordance with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Personal Data» 2297-VI of 01.06.2010 (as amended), Customer acknowledges and agrees to provide their personal data to the Service Provider, as well as the personal data of third parties specified by the Customer, that were obtained by the Service Provider in the process of issuing tickets, such as name, contact telephone number, company name, title, city and email address. The processing of the Customer's personal data is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. The Customer grants the Service Provider the right to process their personal data in connection with the provision of customer services, stipulated by this Offer, including the receiving of advertising messages about Events, Tickets.
2.6. The Customer's access to the recording of the Event or to other materials of the Event does not grant the Customer any intellectual property rights to such recording or materials. The subject of this offer is exclusively the services of organizing the Customer's participation in the Event, including by viewing the recording of the Event.
3. Acceptance of the offer
3.1. This Offer is the main document in the official relationship between the Service Provider and the Customer. Acceptance of this Offer by the Customer is made by consistently committing actions specified in clause 3.2 of this Offer (acceptance of the Offer). The acceptance of this Offer is voluntary and is equal to the conclusion of a written contract (Clause 2 of Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine).
3.2. Acceptance of the Offer by the Customer is carried out by consistently committing the following actions:
a) using the Website;
b) choosing the event and the category of the ticket;
c) providing a contact telephone number, email address, name and surname of the ticket recipient;
d) paying for the ticket.
3.3. Prior to the acceptance of the Offer, the Customer must be sure that all the terms of this Offer are clear and they accept them absolutely and in full.
4. The rights and obligations of the Parties
4.1. The Service Provider undertakes to:
- provide the services stipulated in the terms of the Offer;
- provide the Customer with the necessary information about a particular event, the necessary information about the dates, venue and time, and about the refund procedure for tickets purchased in case of cancellation, postponement, or replacement of the Event;
- provide an opportunity to order and pay for the Services using the means of payment provided on the Website;
- advise on the use of the Website and the Services provided.
4.2. Service Provider shall be entitled to:
- request the Customer to comply with all registration and payment procedures according to the rules set forth in the Offer;
- refuse to provide the Services in connection with the Client's improper performance of their obligations under the terms of this Offer;
- annul the Customer's participation in the Event without refunding the Ticket if the Customer breaches the rules of conduct at the Event, namely:y: igniting interethnic, religious conflicts, distracting participants from the subject of the Event, spamming, trolling, advertising, obscene statements, rudeness, insulting the hosts, staff or participants of the Event.
- modify any System software, including the Website, at any time, suspend the operation of the Software to ensure the functioning of the Website in case of detecting significant faults, errors, and failures, as well as for the purpose of carrying out preventive works and preventing cases of unauthorized access to the Website.
- change the information about the Event at any time, including the Event program and the list of speakers.
4.3. The Customer undertakes:
- to get acquainted with all the rules for the provision of the Services and the terms of this Offer, and to accept them, as well as any additional rules governing the relations of the Parties under this Offer;
- when working with the System, to provide true, accurate and complete information about themselves. The Customer acknowledges that they are fully responsible for the data communicated to the Service Provider. The Customer acknowledges that they have no claim to the Service Provider for issuing the Ticket that has been incorrectly prepared by the Customer when using the Website, as the Customer did not confirm its accuracy at registration;
- not to violate the rules of conduct at the Event, namely:y: igniting interethnic, religious conflicts, distracting participants from the subject of the Event, spamming, trolling, advertising, obscene statements, rudeness, insulting the hosts, staff or participants of the Event.
- to pay the full cost of the order.
- when visiting the Event, the Customer shall present a Ticket, printed or stored in the memory of the Customer's technical device, provided that such device allows scanning of the code by the access control system at the venue of the Event.
- not to copy or sell the recordings of the Events and/or materials obtained at the Events, not to use them for conducting the Customer's own events without additional agreement with the Performer. In case of violation of this obligation, the Customer is obliged to compensate the Performer for the lost profits caused by this violation
4.4. The Customer has the right to:
- require the Service Provider to provide the Services in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
- issue a Ticket on the Website. The Customer acknowledges that in the case of using the Service Provider’s System, they fully and absolutely accept the terms of this Offer, regardless of how the purchase was made;
- choose the payment method of the Ticket from the ones offered on the Website;
- receive information on the rules for obtaining Tickets, available Ticket Categories and other information about Events;
- refuse to purchase tickets at the moment of payment of the Ticket in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Offer. Such a refusal would entail the termination of the Service Provider’s duties before the Customer.
5. Refunds
5.1. Refunds (Ticket Costs) shall be made solely in the manner and under the terms and conditions provided in this Agreement and applicable law. Tickets are not exchangeable or refundable unless otherwise expressly provided in the Agreement.
5.2. The full cost of the tickets will be refunded only if the Event, which the ticket provides a right to visit, is canceled.
5.3. In case of cancellation of the Event, the full cost of the Tickets will be refunded to the Customer's payment card used for the payment of the Services within 15 (fifteen) banking days from the date the Customer received the corresponding notice about cancellation of the Event.
5.4. The Ticket Cost shall be refunded by the Service Provider upon receiving the written request from the Customer in the following cases:
- The Ticket Cost, minus the fee of the Payment Service, shall be returned to the Customer if the latter has informed the Service Provider of their intention to refund the Ticket no less than 7 (seven) days before the Event date.
- 50% of the Ticket Cost, minus the fee of the Payment Service, shall be returned to the Customer if the latter has informed the Service Provider of their intention to refund the Ticket no less than 24 hours before the Event date.
6. Liability of the Parties
6.1. In the event of failure or improper performance of their obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and the terms of this Agreement.
6.2. The Service Provider's responsibility is limited to providing the Services in accordance with the stated theme.
6.3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for non-performance or improper provision of the Services on its part or by third parties, arising out of the unreliability, insufficient or untimely information provided by the Customer in the System.
6.4. The Service Provider shall not be liable in the event that the Customer fails to visit the Event in circumstances beyond of the Service Provider’s control .
6.5. The Service Provider shall not be liable for the non-compliance of the Event with the Customer's expectations and subjective assessment.
6.6. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on disputed issues through negotiations.
6.7. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damages and non-pecuniary damage sustained by the Customer as a result of misunderstanding or them not understanding the information about the procedure of issuing and/or paying for the Tickets, as well as receiving and using the Services.
6.8. The parties shall be released from liability for full or partial non-fulfillment of their obligations under this Offer, if such non-fulfillment is the result of circumstances of force majeure, that is, extraordinary and inevitable under the circumstances. The circumstances of force majeure, in particular, include natural disasters, hostilities, strikes, protests, actions and decisions of state authorities, failures that occur in telecommunications and energy networks.
6.9. The Service Provider is not responsible for the performance and/or security of the communication channels used by the Customer for accessing the Website, as well as for storing information, including the Ticket received by the Customer in accordance with the terms of this Offer.
6.10. All claims or claims related to this Offer must brought in writing within 10 (ten) calendar days after their occurrence. After the expiration of the specified term, the claims will not be considered by the Service Provider.
6.11. For all other matters not provided for in this Agreement, the Parties shall be guided by the applicable law of Ukraine.
7. Amendments and termination of the agreement
7.1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of payment for the Ticket by the Customer and shall remain in force until the end of the Event.
7.2. Service Provider shall have the right to unilaterally terminate this Contract.
7.3. Service Provider shall have the right to change the terms of this Agreement without prior notice to the Customer. The Customer, acknowledging the possibility of such changes, agrees that they will be made. If the Customer continues to use the Services of the Service Provider after such changes, it means they agree with such changes.
8. Data Confidentiality
8.1. The Customer is responsible for the confidentiality of their registration name (login) and password, as well as for all actions performed under such a login and password. The Service Provider shall not be liable and shall not compensate for any damages resulting from the unauthorized use of the Customer's identification data by the third parties.
9. Service Provider Banking Details:
Director: Lyudmyla Volodymyrivna Mazur
Address: Vyborgska St., Bldg. 42 A, Office 204, Kyiv, 03067, Ukraine
Tax ID: 42149113
Single tax payer, Group 3. Not a VAT payer
IBAN: UA393052990000026003016211980