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Discussion: about the algorithms, interviews.

Talk video

Let's talk about:

  • what is interview coding;
  • what does the algorithm have to do with it;
  • which companies always require algorithms;
  • what is litcode and where else can you train;
  • how solutions are evaluated;
  • what does knowledge of the company's algorithms generally give;
  • a story about a dude who made homebrew;
  • cracking the code interview;
  • What other stages cause problems during the interview: behavioral, SMART goals, architecture design;
  • difference between backend and frontend interviews in FAANG.

P.S. and all this from the personal experience of the participants.

Discussion participants:

  • Andrey Listochkin (Viravix / MetaSystems)
  • Anton Verinov (Wix Engineering)
  • Mark Orel (Software developer)
  • Victor Musiienko (Nylas)
Mark Orel
Software developer
  • Writes programs
  • Drinks Guinness
  • Solves problems
  • Skater
  • Twitter
Victor Musiienko
  • Fullstack engineer and a moderator in Frontend UA telegram community chat.
  • Works with web-related technologies since 2013.
  • Main expertise is in building iPaaS (integration platform as a service) and e-commerce products.
  • Especially passionate about data-driven analytics and development, but also doesn’t forget about devex.
  • Lives and works in Toronto, spends free time jumping on Olympic trampolines and by supporting fellow Frontend UA community.
Andrey Listochkin
Viravix / MetaSystems
  • CTO at Viravix / MetaSystems
  • KyivJS, RustFest, RustUkraine organizer
  • Preached Anti-Hype before it was cool
  • Speaks Unicode at 3 am
  • “JavaScript Druid” according to some Go engineers at Dropbox and Google
  • Loves JavaScript, even though Prolog is his all-time favorite
  • Twitter, GitHub
Anton Verinov
Software Developer
  • Generalist software developer since 2013
  • Sees computers as tools, not as a way to depersonalize users
  • Occasionally speaks publicly
  • Twitter, blog
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