Copilot: an NPC or the main character [ukr]

Talk presentation

In my presentation, I will discuss all the advantages and disadvantages of using Github Copilot for PHP development. Additionally, I will compare it with existing competitors and explain why they are better or worse than the Microsoft product. I will also address security issues and provide recommendations for companies on how to prevent their code from being exposed to the public. Throughout the presentation, I will gather arguments to answer the question: is Copilot an NPC or the main character?

Olena Kirichok
Software Engineer at Accolade Inc.
  • PHP Developer with 9 years of experience in Ukrainian, Czech, and US product companies, mentor
  • Like to solve complex problems with simple solutions
  • The author of a blog about Soft Skills and DEI
  • I like to create communities, and I am [] Prague Partner
  • I mentor developers and people with different tech backgrounds
  • Linkedin, Girl in Tech
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