Let’s talk about code
Talk video
Talk presentation
We will dig into principles that allow writing code that breaks less:
- composition and enforcing it;
- private by default;
- named constructors;
- state and immutability;
- method chaining;
- dependencies and injection;
- method flow and cyclomatic complexity;
- exceptions: when to catch, how to catch. What should we do with exceptions and what we should not;
- value object;
- DTO;
- typing;
- services, their dependencies, and state;
- how to write code so it works with RoadRunner / Swoole;
- how to test all that?
- CQS;
- layers and abstraction.

Alexander Makarov
- An engineer who managed to work in Wrike, Stay.com, Skyeng and other interesting projects
- An active participant of OpenSource projects, one of the developers of the Yii PHP framework and representative in PHP-FIG
- Co-organizer of PHP Russia