Event is over
Event is over

Taming the Beast of Asynchronous PHP

Talk video

Talk presentation

The era of slow applications has passed away. The submillisecond response is a must. Can we compete in the brave new world? Does PHP has something to offer?

It is the time to finally find out what does it mean to be Parallel or Serial, Single- or Multithreaded, Concurrent or Monopoly, Synchronous or Asynchronous.

We will cover the basics and dig into the asynchronous world of event loops and promises. Why Nginx is so powerful? What makes Vert.x so performant? How NodeJs is handling that many RPS? What about PHP-FPM? Secrets will be revealed, and the truth will be unleashed.

You decided to go wild with PHP and use asynchronous framework. What should you expect? What dangers lurk in hidden places? Does it worth it? Let’s find out with some real-world system migration example to Swoole.

Swoole is when “Made In China” is not embarrassing.

Oleksii Petrov
Solution architect @ Husqvarna Group
  • Solution architect at Husqvarna Group
  • AWS Certified Solution Architect
  • Docker/Kubernetes apologist
  • MongoDB Certified Developer
  • Active PHP Community Member
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