Back to the future: from MobX to Redux and back [eng]
Many years React developers struggle to answer a question: what state management library is the best? The trick is that each library is good and with each of them we can create a mess. I would like to share two stories, how different teams refactored their projects to replace two famous state management libraries and why. Also I would like to share more insights on how to not make a mess with Mobx, why and when you need to use MST and why you still need React Query.

Sergii Zhuravel
- Lead Front-End Engineer at Scompler
- Sergii has been working as a web developer for more than 10 years now. Started as a full stack, but now he mostly works with Front-End (React, Angular)
- JavaScript and React are his favorite technologies. They allow Sergii to resolves almost any tasks he has (from a website for my friend-craftsman, to a mobile app for a non-profit organization from the USA, that helps children with ADHD)
- He likes table tennis, snowboarding, fishing and traveling. Obtained yacht captain license
- LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, GitHub