JS on Server: To be or not to be?
Talk video
It's a hard time for everyone in Node.JS community. From one side - we are still discussing Ryan Dahl with his talk about bad design decisions in node.js and presenting Deno. GoLang getting more and more hype and traction. From other - shiny new world of "enterprise frameworks" like LoopBack and Nest.js, better and better internal optimizations, TypeScript gaining more and more validation powers.
Is JS still an option for backend or it's fate to be a "BFF" - Backend-for-Frontend, intermediate server between our clients and real backend, written in "true" languages. Let's figure this out.

Illya Klymov
- For 18 years has been writing on JavaScript, for the fifth year at GitLab
- Maintainer of @vue/test-utils and bootstrap-vue
- Currently developing JavaScript.Січ – Ukrainian-language content project, so that Ukrainian javascript developers will be the best in the world
- Twitter, GitHub, Medium