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Micro-frontends from A to Z. How and Why we use Micro-frontends in Namecheap

Talk presentation

Micro-frontends has been a hyped topic for the last several years but unfortunately, it is hard to find ready to production solution. We built in-house open-source solution that allows us to deliver more than 100 apps continuously. Micro-frontends is not only about code splitting it is about the full development cycle and I will try to explain to you how we use it in production.

Browser. FrontEnd Frameworks. Gateway. Server. Scaling. Delivery.

Artem Zakharchenko
  • Architect and Head of JS Department in Namecheap.com
  • Organizator of one of the biggest thech event in Ukraine KharkivJS
  • Addicted to technology and technical solutions for business
  • Building cross functional teams
  • Charity foundation leader “Stellar Ukraine”
  • GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Medium
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