[Workshop] Enough TypeScript to Be Dangerous
You've probably already heard the sales pitch: TypeScript makes large code bases more resilient, less prone to errors, and easier to refactor. That's all well and good, but getting started can feel a bit daunting. This workshop is designed to get you comfortable with some of the basics of TypeScript with an emphasis on the parts that might look extra-confusing if you're coming from JavaScript—Generics, for example. In addition to covering the basics around getting started with TypeScript, we'll focus on some fo the best practices when using TypeScript as well as the rationale behind those practices.

Steve Kinney
- Steve is the leads the frontend and developer tools engineering team at Temporal
- He is an instructor with Frontend Masters
- Previously, he was the frontend architect at Twilio, the founding director of the frontend engineering program at the Turing School of Software and Design, and a New York City teacher
- Twitter, LinkedIn, GitHub