Metarhia technology stack for Node.js [ru]
Talk video
Talk presentation
Metarhia is a stack for reliable and secure enterprise-level applications, protocol-agnostic APIs, and interactive services built on the top of Node.js. It's the first Node.js solution for scaling with threads, minimal dependencies (less 2mb together with stack core libraries), based on layered (onion) architecture and DDD, GRASP, SOLID, GoF, supports type checking in run-time, code live reload, and micro-isolation and sandboxing, auto routing, graceful shutdown, concurrency control, and parallel programming primitives, and many other features.

Timur Shemsedinov
Metarhia, Kiev Polytechnic Institute
- Researcher, lecturer, open-source enthusiast, 25 years in IT
- 3rd place in Ukraine by Github followers
- CTO at Salucyber, Chief architect at Metarhia
- Free video lectures > 200
- Metarhia community organizer, speaker at >40 conferences
- Expert in building distributed enterprise applications, systems architecture, cybernetics, system programming, DBMS, production automation, telemetry, network servers and protocols, system analysis