Discussion panel "DevOps"
Discussion video
Together with the experts, we will start discussing about Kubernetes and monitoring, continue to discuss Service Mesh, and during the discussion we will select the questions with the highest number of votes and ask them to the discussion panel members.
Vote and propose your topic here - https://app.sli.do/event/vrecfd92/live/questions
- Oleksandr Milushev (Senior DevOps Engineer @ AnchorFree)
- Mikalai Alimenkou (Independent Consultant @ XP Injection)
- Dmytro Patkovskyi (Back-end developer @ Grammarly)
- Mykhailo Storcheus (Full stack geek @ SoftServe)
- Anton Grishko (DevOps architect @ SoftServe)

Dmytro Patkovskyi
- Back-end engineer at Grammarly
- Previously worked at Amazon
- Mostly writes in Java these days
- Curious about building tools and their impact on productivity
- Academic interest: spellchecking and dictionary compression

Mykhailo Storcheus
- Full stack geek. SRE/Architect/TechLaed/Head of infrastructure
- DevOps Evangelist
- Ruby, Python, Golang fan
- Sometimes erlang/elixir, react/vue/elm
- Bearded admin

Mikalai Alimenkou
XP Injection
- Independent Consultant at XP Injection
- Senior Delivery Manager, Java Tech Lead and experienced coach
- Expert in Java development, scalable architecture, Agile engineering practices and project management
- Having almost 15 years of development experience, specializes on complex distributed scalable systems
- Active participant and speaker of many international conferences
- Founder and independent consultant at training center XP Injection
- Organizer and founder ofSelenium Camp, JEEConf and XP Days Ukraine conferences
- Founder of active “Anonymous developers club” (uadevclub)

Anton Grishko
- DevOps Architect at SoftServe
- Has 14 years of experience working as System Administrator, DevOps, DevOps Architect, Head of DevOps
- Considers DevOps to be a driving force which can change the whole IT industry
- Main specialization is migration projects with small-to-zero downtime
- Has production experience working with on-premises and GCP, AWS, Azure, Digital Ocean clouds, however he prefers Google Cloud

Oleksandr Milushev
- Senior DevOps Engineer, DevOps Team Lead, AnchorFree
- Has more than 10 years of experience in IT Operations
- Experienced in building and managing platforms for different scaled systems from pure On-Premises software development till big distributed highly loaded production solutions
- He believes in collaboration between Development and Operations
- GitHub