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Autoscale - pay when you earn

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What the effective architecture is?

Efficiency it terms of money. Cost of Ownership. Cost per Transaction. Revenue per transaction. Unit Economy. ROI > 0 Ideal case - when costs curve is repeating revenue curve. System is self adjusting to maximize revenue

How to deal with lag?

Revenue might show up with sufficient lag. Need to find operative metrics that have strong correlation with revenue. System should be designed (redesigned) in the most efficient way of this metric scaling. Ideal case - when each service/component have only one critical metric.

Autoscaling groups

AWS autoscale: approach, timing, pricing (comparison with pre ordered servers and own hardware), known traps, best practices, Fault tolerance and maximum economy

Credit resources usage

AWS T-type of instances, pricing. Credits earning and consumption. Problem with CPU steal.

Serverless approach

Go and non-go scenarios for AWS Lambda. Sub-second scaling. Opportunity to spend a fortune during one day.

Kirill Latysh
Сools Inc
  • CTO at Сools Inc
  • Laravel lover
  • 10 years with PHP
  • high load expert
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