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What database can tell about application issues? What application can tell about database issues? [ukr]/[ru]

Talk video

Talk presentation

During this presentation we will show several cases how to identify and solve the problem after that from different sides database or application.

Denis Reznik
  • Works as a Data Architect at Intapp, Inc. Databases - are his passion.
  • He has a wide experience in the development of highly scalable SQL Server and SQL Azure based projects.
  • Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2010.
  • He often gives talks about SQL Server on conferences and user-group meetings.
  • He also is a SQL community enthusiast.
  • Twitter
Sergii Bielskyi
  • Head of Research and Development Office at ELEKS
  • Microsoft Azure MVP
  • A multi-skilled expert with comprehensive experience of designing, developing and deploying Cloud and Hybrid architectures and infrastructure for software applications
  • Having over 10 years of IT experience Azure and SharePoint infrastructures. Possessing a proven ability to lead project teams to successfully deliver agreed upon solutions of the highest quality, often in complex and challenging customer environments
  • He has managed SharePoint Competence Center working in MS partner company
  • Organizes events in the community group, writes articles in the blog, participates in the conference as a speaker
  • A lead of Ukrainian IoT and SharePoint Community
  • He has been a speaker at such conferences as Local community, SQLSaturday, MS Swit, net Fest, Just do It, Azure Day, IoT hackathon etc.
  • Twitter, Medium, GitHub
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