Flagging your features — a DevOps approach to continuous release [eng]
Talk presentation
Your DevOps team wants to deliver business value as often and fast as possible. Ideally, you want to release a new feature whenever it seems ready. With feature flags you can achieve this selective releasing, but how do you do this in a structured and maintainable way that fits well with DevOps practices?
In this session, we will look at the implementation of feature flags in cloud-native applications, the platform needed to support it, and some strategies and patterns related to feature flagging, such as rings and A/B testing. You will learn how to build and maintain this using the Microsoft platform with .NET applications, Azure and Azure DevOps. Also, we will cover how to get feedback from the feature flags and loop it back to the deployment and release pipelines and environments to achieve an automated and stable system during release.
At the end of this session, you know how to get started with feature flags for continuous release DevOps style.

- Has been involved in application development since the late nineties.
- Worked as a lead developer and architect at large enterprises and small companies.
- He has received the Microsoft MVP award for Visual Studio and Development Technologies 16 times.
- He spends his time teaching other developers the details of the Microsoft development platform and frameworks.
- Twitter, GitHub