Crash-course: Chief Technology Officer 3.0

A course that will allow you to clearly understand the tasks and goals of the CTO in the realities of Ukrainian IT, and the ways to achieve them.

Mentor - Serhii Herasymov, Founder at Da'at Consulting, CTO, 15+ years in the industry.
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Crash-course: Chief Technology Officer 3.0
Crash-course: Chief Technology Officer 3.0
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Event is over
Event is over

We invite you to the Crash Course: Chief Technology Officer, where you will be able to go through the main stages of a technical specialist in the position of service station in the realities of Ukrainian IT.

The knowledge gained will be useful to those who already hold the position of CTO, and those who are just planning to develop their career. Based on practical experience, real cases and analysis of the speaker's facaps, (which, of course, were) you will significantly save your time and resources for more effective performance of your duties.

And you will also be able to become an indispensable technical visionary and enabler in your own company!


  • CTO in IT outsourcing and product companies
  • Technical specialists who are interested becoming technical managers
  • Operational managers of Ukrainian outsourcing companies


Date and time: September 15&22&29, 10:00 - 16:00, (Kyiv time, GMT+3).

Duration: 3 days of ~6-7 hours (depends on practice)

Platform: Zoom. We will send you a link to the broadcast the day before the course, and it will also be available on this page.

Language of the event and presentation: Ukrainian

The number of participants is limited


September 15

  • CTO role in outsourcing and product
  • Responsibilities of the CTO
  • Structures and commands
  • Interaction with C-level and subordinates
  • Management styles (Command and control vs everything else)
  • Financial management
  • KPI, OKR
    The first hundred days. Part one.
  • Technical analysis of the company
    Practical task: Gap analysis of the company's state of technical excellence.
  • Find gaps in the current state of technical excellence
  • Create a helicopter strategy for company development
  • Identification and elimination of potential risks
  • Tools: Miro board
    Technical Management Structure Development. Provided by: Description of the current state of affairs and OKRs for an arbitrary manufacturing company:
  • Develop and validate a potential technology department structure for such a company to ensure that this structure can grow and scale
  • Tools: or any other diagramming tools

September 22

    The first hundred days. Part two.
  • Easy wins / significant wins
  • Planning your time
    Strategy and strategizing
  • Building a technical strategy
  • Strategy
  • Repriotization and modification of strategy
  • Project thinking
  • Technical enabling
    Practical task: Development of a strategy for the implementation of the transition to a new technological stack. Provided: Results of a strategy session for a medium-sized outsourcing company in the form of OKRs.
  • Develop KPIs for given OKRs
  • Develop potential actions for OKRs and KPIs
  • Develop a strategy for involving peers in the implementation of the technical strategy
  • Identify the potential risks of implementing the strategy
  • Tools: Miro board

September 29

September 29:

    CTO in sales
  • Role of CTO in sales
  • Organization of the sales process from the position of CTO
  • Proposal that sells
    Crisis and scaling
  • Crisis technical management
  • Scaling the company: tasks for service stations
  • Innovation - prediction, analysis and adaptation
    Antipatterns and ways to overcome them
  • Fire fighting
  • Permanent memory loss
  • High index of power distance
    Practical task: Development of a technical sales support process. Provided: a portrait of a typical client of a service campaign, KPI from a strategic session.
  • Develop a process for technical sales support
  • Develop a list of artifacts to be used by the development team in the future and a continuous process of knowledge transfer between SDLC phases
  • Tools: or any other diagramming tools

Mentor: Founder at Da'at Consulting, CTO.

— 15 years in the software development industry, founder of Da`at Consulting

— Participated and led the following areas: technical sales consulting, financial planning, recruitment and resourcing, architectural design and implementation, technical audit, business digitalization, adoption of cloud strategies , mentoring and coaching

— Acted as a developer, technical lead, architect, technical director and CTO

— Worked and works as a CTO in outsourcing and product companies

— Speaker at conferences, meetings, workshops, author of courses

— Scaled development departments from 20 to 350 developers

— Promoter and implementer of the concept of technology agnosticism, personal area of ​​interest - functional programming languages, low code / no code movement

LinkedIn profile

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