Designing With Immutability

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Python is mutable to the core. Internals of objects and data structures are not only introspectable at runtime but also mostly modifiable. This is very useful and a big reason why Python is the language of our choice.

However, proper immutable collections do provide significant unique advantages, too. Python provides a few of those: strings, bytes, tuples, and frozensets. With the immutables package, you can also use an efficient Map implementation.

In this talk we'll go through a whirlwind tour of those advantages and how knowing about them can change how you design your software.

Łukasz Langa
Python 3.8 and 3.9 Release Manager
  • He is also known as ambv on GitHub.
  • Python core developer, Python 3.8 and 3.9 release manager, creator of Black, hobbyist musician, dad.
  • Likes analog modular synthesizers, immersive single-player role-playing games, and single malt Scotch whisky.
  • Twitter, GitHub
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