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Symfony 4 in action

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Symfony 4 is a very different framework from the previous versions. Symfony 4 provides a new developer experience on a very stable foundation. Learn more about how you can quickly develop new applications and how you can grow your projects from a micro-style app to a full monolith or a set of micro-services.

Fabien Potencier
Founder of Symfony framework
  • He discovered the Web in 1994, and founded the Symfony project in 2004 to fulfill this goal.
  • Is a serial-entrepreneur, and among other companies, he founded Sensio in 1998 - which became SensioLabs in 2012 - a software company providing products, services, and technical support for the Open-Source Symfony framework.
  • Within SensioLabs, Fabien now focuses on creating a new generation of SaaS solutions, designed to help PHP developers improve their code quality (with SymfonyInsight) & performance (with Blackfire.io).
  • Twitter, GitHub
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