Workshop: DDD Practices applied to Doctrine 2 Projects

Воркшоп для PHP розробників від Marco Pivetta
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Workshop: DDD Practices applied to Doctrine 2 Projects
Workshop: DDD Practices applied to Doctrine 2 Projects
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Workshop: DDD Practices applied to Doctrine 2 Projects

Workshop for PHP developers by Marco Pivetta. The workshop will be held in English.

In this full day of hands-on coding we will approach development with Doctrine ORM from a tactical DDD perspective.

We will start from a minimal specification, exploring yet-to-be-discovered business scenarios in a rich domain, how to plan features, how to isolate them into workable units, implement them in a framework-less environment and finally test them effectively.

We'll freshen up some DB design done "domain-first", looking at the possible performance issues, how to mitigate them on the long run and how to provide an optimal data model for both writes and reads without sacrificing valuable abstractions in the domain logic.

At the end of the day, you will have a good overview of how to attack relational DB abstractions, when to optimise for business interactions, and how to optimise for read interactions.


Each participant is expected to have a working laptop with a development environment containing:

  • the PHP 7.2 binaries (no Docker/Vagrant/XAMPP/etc please: just the PHP binaries)
  • PDO sqlite extension pre-installed and enabled
  • favorite code editor
  • an SQLite browser (if you use PHPStorm, it already has an integrated one)


Місце проведення

Київ, 22 поверх, Спортивна площа, 1А, Бізнес-центр "Гуллівер", офіс Playtech
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