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Scaling Infrastructure as Code [eng]

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Most automated infrastructure systems are a mess. Defining your environments as code using tools like Terraform, Pulumi, and CloudFormation should be a step towards a well-engineered cloud platform, but in practice, most infrastructure codebases are a fragile spaghetti mess. The problem gets worse when you scale up to more environments, more teams, and more products and applications. All of these things lead to a sprawl of snowflakes as code.

So let’s talk about how to use good agile software design and engineering practices to infrastructure code. How can we break complex infrastructure into more manageable structures? Let's go beyond modules and gitops, and get into independently deployable infrastructure stacks, composable, testable, and automatically delivered using pipelines. Let's scale our infrastructure code using lessons we should have learned from scaling application code.

Kief Morris
  • Kief Morris is Global Lead for Cloud Technology at Thoughtworks
  • The author of the O’Reilly book Infrastructure as Code
  • He works with many Thoughtworks clients around the world to explore better ways to apply cloud and infrastructure technology to help teams deliver stronger value more quickly and reliably
  • Originally from Tennessee, Kief moved to London in the dot-com days and has been there ever since
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