Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція Highload fwdays'25 вже у продажі!

Microservices? Monoliths? Modules! [eng]

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Microservices are long past the hype - and because of the perceived complexity, architects are starting to build monoliths again. After all, everything was better in the past. But why are monoliths often unmaintainable today? This shows that the discussion about monoliths and microservices misses the point. The remedy for excessive complexity and lack of maintainability has been known for a long time: modularization. And that's why this talk is about modules - and thus about approaches to developing both sensible monoliths and microservices systems.

Eberhard Wolff
  • Eberhard Wolff has 20+ years of experience as an architect and consultant - often on the intersection of business and technology.
  • He is the Head of Architecture at SWAGLab in Germany.
  • As a speaker, he has given talks at international conferences and as an author, he has written more than 100 articles and books e.g. about Microservices and Continuous Delivery.
  • His technological focus is on modern architectures – often involving Cloud, Domain-driven Design, DevOps, or Microservices.
  • site, Twitter, mastodon, Github, Linkedin
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