Data transfering: faster, stronger, better and not harder

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Almost all mobile apps should communicate with server or even with each other, some of them should store something and definitely all of them should work as fast as they can. One of the bottlenecks in performance of these apps is operations with data. Actually almost all apps are all about the data, they send it, store it, process it, receive it and somehow show it to the user. So to make your app really fast you definitely need to find a way how to make data processing really fast.

So let’s discus what tools do we have right now for this, how and when should we use it and how this will make your users happier.

Антон Минашкин
  • Lead software engineer at Epam
  • Android разработчик с 6-летним стажем
  • Cооснователь сообществ GDG Kremenchug и IT Kremenchug
  • В качестве спикера выступал на UA Mobile’14, конференции "IT-ПЕРСПЕКТИВА", Kyiv Android gathering, Android Dev Club и др.
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