Leveraging React's Concurrency for Optimal Performance [eng]

In this talk, I'll discuss how Reacts' often overlooked concurrent features like startTransition, useDeterredValue and Suspense can transform an application's performance and responsiveness. Participants will learn practical techniques to prioritise critical updates, gracefully handle loading states, and create fluid user experiences even with complex data interactions.

Dara Olayebi
Software Engineer at Spotify
  • Dara is a Software Engineer with 6+ years of experience building user-centric products across multiple industries
  • She's particularly interested in UX on the web and enjoys creating and exploring community-driven products that prioritise thoughtful design
  • In her spare time, she mentors young women who are in the early stages of their tech careers
  • And when she's not working, she likes long walks, cooking, and reading fiction novels
  • LinkedIn, Twitter
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