The beauty of Laravel's notification system and how it helped me to create my first Laravel package
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Every modern web application has some kind of notifications. This could be an email that informs the user about a new product, a notice on a dashboard that says a friendship request was accepted, a message on Slack that tells you about a successful build and so on.
Laravel has a built-in notification system that makes all these tasks as simple as it can get. Let me show you how it works, how it helped me to create my first Laravel package and what the community has to offer to make notifications even more powerful. This is a practical approach to this topic, and live coding will be included.

Christoph Rumpel
PHP developer
- Tried his luck in the rock music industry for ten years.
- Started studying Applied Media and discovered his passion for web development. Then he started to work as a backend developer at a Viennese Agency.
- For the last five years, he worked there with his favorite tools: PHP and Laravel. Since 2016, he is using these tools to build chatbots for messengers and custom website integrations.
- Since 2018 he is working on his own and is currently writing an ebook about chatbots and PHP.
- He loves coding, teaching, surfing and his Nintendo Switch.
- Twitter, GitHub