Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже у продажу!

Let's Build a Web Application (and Talk About Ways to Improve Bad Parts)

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In this session I will take you through the entire process of application development and how to avoid possible issues on each stage. In a modern world turning an idea into working piece of software is a very complex process, and in this presentation, I will unlock the best practices and the essentials based on real world stories from my practical experience.

During a session I will give you a sense of Typescript, ECMAScript 2015+, JavaScriptServices, application performance management and how to make your life easier with some Node.js based tools.

Ігор Фесенко
  • Microsoft MVP та Solutions Architect у SoftServe
  • Engineer T, where T : Azure | DevOps | C#
  • Працює “у хмарах”
  • Twitter, GitHub, Site
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