Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція JavaScript fwdays’25 вже у продажі!

Compile like it's 2017

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Презентация доклада

Adoption of Babel 6 is widespread, with more than 1,450 Babel plugins and 800 presets registered on npm today. But, as with all good things, progress is coming and Babel 7 will be released soon.

I'm going to start with Babel 7 changes explanation. Then, let's meet our most powerful and flexible preset - babel-preset-env aka autoprefixer for Babel. I'll show how to decrease compilation time for development environment. How to compile for production with safety and get the lowest possible bundle size at the same time. I'll work through some gotchas like dealing with ES2015 code and UglifyJS. I will try to explain why you don't need to support Chrome 45 and Safari 6. And for an extra treat, I'll show how to build and serve user agent-specific bundles.

Oh, and I'll have plenty of Babel stickers too!

Артем Яворський
  • Leading Developer Tools team in Wix in a day. Helping with Open Source projects at night
  • Trying to improve the developer experience for the last 5 years Artem participated in various OSS projects — Babel, Brunch, Eslint plugins and more. Later, a hobby became a job, so focus switched to improving Developer Experience for Frontend Group in Wix
  • GitHub, Twitter
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